Due to the continued global spread of the COVID19 virus and the associated impact upon public health and safely in Japan, reservations for all tours and experience programs will be SUSPENDED until May 2020, or until the situation improves and relevant restrictions upon travel are lifted.
We look forward to welcoming you back to Tohoku as soon as possible. In the meantime, please stay safe and well!
~ Inoutbound Sendai Matsushima Inc.
- 尚未在旅遊書、網路等曝光的當地文化風俗
- 四季分明的當季食材及祭典
- 當地人日常生活中造訪的餐飲店
- 與當地人互相交流、學習
對這些有興趣嗎?有興趣的話,你就應該來參加「Tohoku Local Secret Tours」。所有的行程都有當地導遊同行,帶你在看似平凡無奇的日常中,發覺出你還不知道的日本!
In-outbound sendai-matsushima是?
以宮城縣為中心,將東北六縣的魅力化為旅行商品販售的旅行公司。擁有通曉多國語言的導遊,也承攬客製化的旅遊行程。 對東北之旅若有任何問題,都歡迎找我們聊聊!